
自己紹介(Who wrote this blog.)


英語で痛い目を見てきた経験、それにお金のなさから「おうち英語」はじめ家庭学習を志す。でもコロナ休校でイライラが大爆発し、あっさり挫折しました。コロナも落ち着き、こどももだいぶ大きくなってきたこの頃、またむらむらとわく教育欲。。。でも前のことを思い返すと、「1(私)vs 4(子)」の構図になるだろな、どう考えてもハードです。時間がなさすぎる。先行きが暗い。やめたくなる。そこで、ブログで記録を公開することを縛りにして、継続を目指すことにしました。











Hi there! Please call me Maya.
I'm a Japanese, who live in Japan.

This blog is a record of our "home schooling".
Actually, our children go to Japanese public school in daytime.
But many children in Japan go to additional school(called "Juku") in the evening or night, to prepare the entrance exams for junior, high school, or university.
In Japan, economy statement getting worse little by little, so we cannot earn enough money to send our four children to the "Juku".
I decided to teach additional subjects to my children, after school by myself.
I hope that I could share our experience.

Any way, let me introduce ourselves!

We are a family of six. Four children (three elementary school student, one preschool),husband and me. Our incomes are "average" or, less...
I’m going to call them "Ichiko(depend on first(いち) and girl(こ))" "Niko" "Sanko" "Yonta (depend on fourth(よん) and boy(た))" at this blog.

What I hope most for children is that they should never let go of their studies and language skills.
Our first daughter might not take a junior high-school entrance examination. But second daughter might take the one.
We have to choose the public school, not the private because of the tuition.

Our third daughter suspected to be a Learning Disabilities. I suspect myself to be a ADHD(Attention deficit hyper activity disorder).
I will also introduce the efforts for learning based on it. After all, there is very little information about LD's study efforts.

My TOEIC score was about 700 or so. (over 10 years ago) I would like to improve it, so I will pay efforts of writing this blog in English...
My husband was born and grown up at NO-ENGLISH-PLANET, so he is a NO-ENGLISH-ALIEN.
As such, he strongly wish to our children to get ability of the English...

